After your day is over, the second half of the journey begins. From this time to the delivery of your photos, the process takes anywhere from 1 to 3 months. The duration heavily varies on peaks during seasons.
This section is to share my process and workflow of your images!
As soon as your day ends, I hold your precious files as if they were your rings and journey on to my computer like Frodo Baggins.
As soon as my memory cards are in a safe place I immediately transfer and back up your files. The files are backed up on to 2 separate drives, and your images are not deleted on the memory cards. The memory cards are always with me if I am traveling. Your files are also backed up to a cloud that is offsite.
I know how eager you are to see the photos. As soon as the images are backed up I do a quick edit to the photos for you to relive your day. You are more than welcome to share this with anyone and even print them.
I will also edit and process all the family photos and have those expedited for you and your family.
After all of your images are sorted, I select the images that best tell the story, are in focus, and the frames that meet my standards. I usually take over 4000+ images on a typical wedding day, and from there I choose about 600-1300 images. A lot of the images omitted are duplicates, setting changes, mistakes, as well as out of focus images.
This is where the grunt work starts. Some photographers use editing services and assistant editors, but not here at Wandering Woo!
I personally go through all the photos, crop, color correct, straighten and your fix blemishes.
Over time eyes do get tired out and colors start changing. I give my eyes a break and review the photos to make sure it is consistent and up to my standards.
I do one last review and also create a highlight of your images that best tell the story.
Once your images are all exported they are uploaded to an online gallery. The gallery will be sent by email with a link.
Your gallery will come with a few important features.
1. Password and Private access for you guys - This allows you to hide photos you don’t want your guests to see.
2. Password and Access for your guests
4. Download Pin will be provided so you can download in High Resolution form.